Punta Flecha

The immensity of Patagonia, where the horizons extend beyond, motivates us to discover every landscape, every corner, every species, and dazzles us with its shape, its color, its energy and, above all, its vigor.

Program 1: Punta Flecha

Very close to Puerto Madryn there is a sector of coast from where you can spot the Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) between the months of June and November. The place is generically called “El Doradillo” and includes a land and marine area with a coastline of approximately 15 kilometers of coastline.


Since 1990, this site has stood out among others, within the Golfo Nuevo, for concentrating the largest number of these whales, particularly mothers with calves. This is also why every year, a growing number of residents and tourists come to observe them from the coast. The sector between Punta Arco and Punta Ameghino has been declared a Municipal Protected Area (Ordinance No. 4263/01), which serves as a framework to continue advancing on the path of conservation of the species in the area.

In 1999, the Patagonia Natural Foundation built the “Punta Flecha Observatory” with the objective of developing research, education and interpretation tasks on whales and the coastal environment in general.
The Observatory is located on Punta Flecha, an elevation of 21 meters above sea level, flanked by the beaches “Las Canteras” and “El Doradillo”. Since its inception, FPN has provided this space free of charge to residents and tourists attracted by whales, eager to receive information and interpret what they see. Likewise, it serves as an operational base for researchers from different disciplines, interested in studying whales in their natural state, as well as the use of the environment by visitors. More information about the Observatory can be obtained on the website: Fundación Patagonia Natural. There is a trail that has interpretive signs that facilitate understanding of the flora and fauna that can be observed from there. The Municipal Protected Area “El Doradillo” has an incomparable landscape value, where the coastal environment and the Patagonian steppe are represented.

This is the ideal framework to develop activities with children that allow them to live new experiences in direct contact with the natural environment. The Observatory is a public place visited by a large number of tourists and local residents, however, being located 17 km from the city of Puerto Madryn and not included in its public transportation network, it becomes a a place that can be reached mainly by vehicle, which reduces the possibilities that girls and boys alone, or families with limited economic resources, can access this place far from the city.
The reason that gave rise to the educational program was the attempt to motivate children, from an early age, in the interpretation of the place where they live, generating knowledge about the sea, the Patagonian steppe and the species typical of the Patagonian coastal-marine environment. Knowing the native flora and fauna allows us to value life, the relationships that are established and the importance they play within the local environment, awakening the need to protect it and thus ensure its integrity for future generations.

Program 2: Discovering the Intertidal

This is an educational proposal from the Patagonia Natural Foundation aimed at third grade students, aimed at knowledge and conservation of the species of the Patagonian coastal area.


The Patagonian Sea is characterized by a great diversity and abundance of invertebrates. Many of these species are present in the abrasion platform areas, which make up an important portion of the Patagonian coastal ecosystem.

There are a diversity of anthropogenic effects that affect these environments such as the introduction of species, pollution and physical modifications carried out in the coastal zone. The protection of coastal-marine areas constitutes a tool against these threats. The Patagonian Sea is characterized by a great diversity and abundance of invertebrates. Many of these species are present in the abrasion platform areas, which make up an important portion of the Patagonian coastal ecosystem. There are a diversity of anthropogenic effects that affect these environments such as the introduction of species, pollution and physical modifications carried out in the coastal zone. The protection of coastal-marine areas constitutes a tool against these threats.

Currently, there is a certain lack of knowledge on the part of teachers and students of the ecological processes that occur in the coastal zone and the species that inhabit this place, in addition to the daily threats that these environments face.
For this reason, this Educational Program is believed to be necessary, which promotes knowledge of coastal marine protected areas and the species that inhabit and use them as a resource. This program will enable a global and integrated vision of the coastal (marine-terrestrial) environment, and will contribute to increasing public awareness regarding the impact of anthropogenic activities on the natural environment and the responsibility of individuals in its conservation.
The educational aspect of the project originated with the intention of contributing to the strengthening of environmental awareness in the community of Puerto Madryn through the global and integrated vision of the coastal environment (marine-terrestrial) and the species that inhabit this place.
In this program, students will have the possibility of discovering a portion of the Patagonian coastal ecosystem (made up of a variety of species) and living an educational-recreational experience that, in turn, will help strengthen group ties.


Composting means subjecting organic waste to a controlled aerobic decomposition process, resulting in an organic substance rich in minerals, nutrients and microorganisms, compost.

Home composting can be carried out in the house, on the terrace, garden or any other suitable space.

From a reduced amount of waste, produced in the kitchen and garden, without transportation costs or the need for complex devices and with the immediate use of the compost that is produced. The compost bin is a container that allows air circulation inside, where the organic waste that will give rise to compost is deposited. Its function is to keep the material organized and compact, preventing it from spreading and presenting a hygienic and pleasant appearance to the outside. Inside the composter, the organic matter begins a slow process

of aerobic decomposition, in the presence of oxygen, by microorganisms responsible for the degradation of organic matter. During the entire process, approximately 4 months, it is advisable to turn the pile once or twice a month to homogenize the mixture, aerate it and equalize the temperatures and monitor the humidity and water the materials if you notice that they are very dry. The compost will be ready for use if it has a uniform, homogeneous granulometry, loose texture, dark color and pleasant earthy smell.

Consolidation of the use of renewable energies and proper management of organic waste

The project aimed to expand and strengthen the work carried out during 2012 in the promotion and installation of renewable energies and the proper management of organic waste in the province of Chubut, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the decomposition of its organic solid waste and replacing the burning of fossil fuels used for heating and cooking.

Within the framework of this project, the following actions were carried out:

Within the framework of this project, the following actions were carried out:

• The construction of the biodigester started by the previous project has been completed.

• Compost bins have been designed, manufactured and distributed to promote this good practice and reduce the waste that reaches the landfill.

• Solar collectors have been installed in various locations in order to generate a positive impact on the quality of life of its inhabitants.

• Solar ovens have been manufactured and distributed among families in two villages in the province.

The sites selected to work during this project have been the artisanal shellfish village of “Riacho San José”, Valdés Peninsula; the Chacay Oeste village, on the central plateau of the province; and the town of Puerto Madryn.
The biodigester began to be built in 2012 on the property of the Ceferino Namuncurá Foundation (FCN). Throughout 2013, most of the civil works were carried out. In March 2014, together with provincial and local authorities, the inauguration of the Work was carried out, leaving the commissioning to be carried out. A complete workshop on the subject is planned for the middle of this year, to continue the promotion of these technologies. The compost bins were designed entirely by the Patagonia Natural Foundation, and built initially by the FCN, during workshops with the children who attend the School, and then by the Civil Association “Juntos Podemos” that promotes protected work for people with disabilities. disability. The compost bins were made using recovered and recycled wood, which FPN removed as a donation from the Aluar Company. So far, the composters have been distributed in 21 primary schools in the city of Puerto Madryn, through talks and workshops on composting and waste to 2,369 4th, 5th and 6th grade students.

Compost bins have also been installed in various local institutions, such as the Municipal Parador, where workshops will be offered to the public on recycling and reuse of waste among other activities; the Oceanographic Museum, where workshops will be offered to promote good practice among the community; in a Municipal Mother and Child Home, where they have begun to develop garden work with families and neighbors; in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Province of Chubut and another in the FPN offices, where we can evaluate its efficiency while making correct use of our own waste.
Last year, two new solar collectors were installed at the School and Boarding School of the Chacay Oeste School Village. At the same time, workshops and talks on Climate Change, waste and renewable energy were given to the children and residents of the Village. The manufacture of the solar ovens was partly carried out by a family from the isolated rural community of ñancuñam in the east of the province of Mendoza, while the rest have been built by a person who today builds ovens to reinforce his economic income. The ovens were distributed to families in Riacho San José; and between the inhabitants of the Chacay Oeste Village and the surrounding rural families.