Solar water heaters
"With your help we can bring renewable energy to different establishments in Patagonia!"


Since 2019, P&G, La Anónima supermarkets and Fundación Patagonia Natural have been working together, each contributing their grain of sand to bring solar water heaters to different establishments in the south of the country.

Action in numbers

6 Years carrying out this action

35 solar hot water tanks installed

More than 5000 people benefited

3 Provinces: Rio Negro, Chubut and La Pampa

The project is comprehensive: the installation of the water heaters is complemented by training that helps improve the quality of life of the communities, empower their leaders and build social capital. The expectations for this year are focused on reaching more institutions and thus generating a greater positive impact in the different communities.

Who we reach

These are the establishments we reached in previous editions of the action: schools no. 14, no. 28, no. 60, no. 61, no. 69, no. 77, no. 99, no. 117, no. 118, no. 175, no. 727, no. 725, no. 733, no. 781, no. 7,706, no. 7,7703; UEM-ES no. 70, no. 73 and no. 74; La Esperanza Refuge, a zone of the Peninsula Valdés Protected Natural Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; the Andean Condor Recovery Centre; the Piedra Parada Nature Reserve; and the Piecitos Descalzos merendero.


Embassy of Germany

Since 2012
Solar water heaters installed: 8

The importance of action

The main objective of the action is to install innovative energy technologies through solar water heaters and this step will give continuity to the various projects for the use of renewable energy in the Patagonian region.

In this way, it complements the initiatives that the Patagonia Natural Foundation carries out to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated from the decomposition of organic solid waste and by replacing the burning of fossil fuels (wood and gas) used for heating, water heating and cooking.

Help us spread the word about this initiative!

#RegalaEnergía #TransformandoVidas