About us
We are a non-governmental organization that, since 1989, has been working in the search for a better quality of life for people who live in Patagonia today and in the future, based on the protection of nature and its responsible use as an essential common good.
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Where we work?
The Patagonia Natural Foundation has its operational and administrative headquarters in the city of Puerto Madryn, province of Chubut, Argentina. However, it carries out its work throughout the country and particularly throughout the Argentine Coastal Zone.
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La Esperanza

Guanacos - Wildlife Refuge

The “La Esperanza” Wildlife Refuge, located 75 km north of the city of Puerto Madryn, is intended for the conservation of biodiversity. It is located in the buffer zone of the Peninsula Valdés Protected Natural Area, declared a Natural World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Punta Flecha


The Punta Flecha Observatory is located in the El Doradillo Municipal Protected Area, 17 km from the city of Puerto Madryn. It is the first place in the world that allows coastal sightings with a large concentration of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). 

Renewable Energies


We promote the use of renewable energies and the proper management of organic waste, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the burning of fossil fuels and the decomposition of organic waste; and avoid cutting native vegetation for use as firewood.

Addressing the complexity of the environment requires multiple perspectives.
To meet our objectives, we have an interdisciplinary technical team that is responsible for carrying them forward in a comprehensive manner. The staff is divided into various work areas:

José María Musmeci

Guillermo Caille

Senior Biodiversity and Conservation Expert
Guillermo Harris

Administration and management
Griselda Sessa
Silvina Dailoff

Environmental education
Mariana Rivarola
Myriam Fernandez

Communication and Press
Florencia Rey

Tourism and Protected Areas
Alicia Tagliorette

Environmental economics
Santiago Novoa

Luciana Musmeci

Flavio Papparazo

Renewable energy
Claudia Aramini

La Esperanza Wildlife Refuge
Yaco Conchillo
Andrea Vitalone
Nicolás González

Observatory Punta Flecha
Florencia Rey
Paula Ponce
Nicolás González

Education Library
Claudia Aramini

Graphic design
Diego Bianco

President assistant
Delfina Arribas

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